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For All The Other Reasons

Choreographer: Francesco Scavetta




“For all the other reasons” is inspired by the performance "Lost Accidentally" and deals with the theme of loss and being lost, as a constant dialectic between permanency towards irreversibility. 

There is a game that Freud describes as: “Children making things disappear and reappear, over and over, again”, as if they are practicing the experience of loss. 

“Lost" is not just the object that slipped out from our pocket. It’s the irreversible changes in our personal life and the sense of our inadequacy of facing those changes. 


The sense of loss is the manufacture of absence. 

It’s the reconstruction of the moment when everything went wrong. 

It’s starting to say something and deciding to remain silent instead. 

It’s a before facing an after.

It’s when things cannot be undone  

It’s when we don’t have a clue, when we don’t remember or understand,

when something was here and now is gone.

The act of vanishing: something to be grasped, if not is lost forever. 

It’s a peaceful space that allows the unexpected.


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